2023-05-05 21:01:28 来源:资源与环境学院 浏览数:0
张梦阳,农学博士,教授,硕士研究生导师,2022年入选 买球赛的官方网站第一批优秀人才“特支计划”拔尖人才。
近5年,在Journal of Cleaner Production、Science of the Total Environment、Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety、Frontiers in Microbiology、Applied Soil Ecology、中国农业科学等国内外期刊发表论文10余篇,累计影响因子>80,授权发明专利4项。在生物炭研究工作中联合扩增子测序、宏基因组测序和代谢组系统探究了土壤微生物、土壤代谢以及柑橘丛枝菌根真菌和根系内生细菌对生物炭的响应机制,同时系统的分析了生物炭表面定殖微生物群落组成、结构及功能。同时担任Frontiers in Plant Science、Science of the Total Environment等期刊审稿人。
1. Zhang MY,Xia H,Riaz M,Liu B, El-Desouki ZN,Jiang CC. Various beneficial microorganisms colonizing on the surface of biochar primarily originated from the storage environment rather than soil environment[J]. Applied Soil Ecology,2023,182.(SCI二区,IF= 5.509)
2. Zhang, MY, Riaz, M , Xia, H , Li, YX , Wang, XL, Jiang, CC. Four-year biochar study: Positive response of acidic soil microenvironment and citrus growth to biochar under potassium deficiency conditions [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2022,813.(SCI一区,IF= 10.753)
3. Zhang MY, Riaz M, Zhang L, El-desouki ZN, Jiang CC. Biochar Induces Changes to Basic Soil Properties and Bacterial Communities of Different Soils to Varying Degrees at 25 mm Rainfall: More Effective on Acidic Soils[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology,2019,10.(SCI二区,IF=6.064)
4. Zhang MY,Zhang L,Riaz M,Xia H,Jiang CC. Biochar amendment improved fruit quality and soil properties and microbial communities at different depths in citrus production[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2021,292.(SCI一区,IF= 11.072)
5. Zhang MY, Riaz M, Liu B, Xia H, El-desouki ZN, Jiang CC. Two-year study of biochar: Achieving excellent capability of potassium supply via alter clay mineral composition and potassium-dissolving bacteria activity[J]. Science of the Total Environment,2020,717(C).(SCI一区,IF= 10.753)
6. Zhang MY, Riaz M, Zhang L, Xia H, El-desouki ZN, Jiang CC. Response of fungal communities in different soils to biochar and chemical fertilizers under simulated rainfall conditions[J]. Science of the Total Environment,2019,691(C).(SCI一区,IF= 10.753)
7. Zhang MY,Riaz M, Zhang L, Xia H, Cong M, Jiang CC. Investigating the effect of biochar and fertilizer on the composition and function of bacteria in red soil[J]. Applied Soil Ecology,2019,139.(SCI二区,IF= 5.509)
8. Xia H, Riaz M, Zhang MY, Liu B, El-Desouki ZN, Jiang CC. Biochar increases nitrogen use efficiency of maize by relieving aluminum toxicity and improving soil quality in acidic soil[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2020,196(C).(SCI二区,IF= 7.129)
9. Xia H,Riaz M,Zhang MY,Liu B,Li YX,El-Desouki ZN,Jiang CC. Biochar-N fertilizer interaction increases N utilization efficiency by modifying soil C/N component under N fertilizer deep placement modes[J]. Chemosphere,2022,286(P1).(SCI二区,IF= 8.943)
10. Lin Q, Zhang L, Riaz M, Zhang MY, Xia H, Lv B, Jiang CC. “Assessing the potential of biochar and aged biochar to alleviate aluminum toxicity in an acid soil for achieving cabbage productivity”[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2018,161.(SCI二区,IF=7.129)
11. 张梦阳,夏浩,吕波,丛铭,宋文群,姜存仓.短期生物炭添加对不同类型土壤细菌和氨氧化微生物的影响[J].中国农业科学,2019,52(07):1260-1271.(一级学报)
12. 丛铭,张梦阳,夏浩等.施用生物炭对红壤中不同形态钾含量及小白菜生长的影响[J].华中农业大学学报,2020,39(04):22-28.DOI:10.13300/j.cnki.hnlkxb.2020.04.004.(核心期刊)
13. 林庆毅,张梦阳,张林等.老化生物炭对红壤铝形态影响的潜在机制[J].生态环境学报,2018,27(03):491-497.DOI:10.16258/j.cnki.1674-5906.2018.03.013.(核心期刊)
14. 应介官,林庆毅,张梦阳等.生物炭对铝富集酸性土壤的毒性缓解效应及潜在机制[J].中国农业科学,2016,49(23):4576-4583.(一级学报)
15. 林庆毅,应介官,张梦阳等.生物炭对红壤中不同铝形态及小白菜生长的影响[J].沈阳农业大学学报,2017,48(04):445-450.(核心期刊)
16. 林庆毅,姜存仓,张梦阳.生物炭老化后理化性质及微观结构的表征[J].环境化学,2017,36(10):2107-2114.(核心期刊)
17. 张林,林庆毅,张梦阳等.生物炭对不同土壤改良及生态效应影响的研究进展[J].中国农学通报,2019,35(15):54-58.(核心期刊)
18. 夏浩,张梦阳,刘波,李宇轩,丛铭,布麦热姆·热则克,姜存仓.生物炭对作物氮肥利用率影响的整合分析[J].华中农业大学学报,2021,40(03):177-186.DOI:10.13300/j.cnki.hnlkxb.2021.03.020.(核心期刊)