
    2022-07-12 19:01:54           浏览数:0



  E-mail: lvhaofeng@qau.edu.cn



  2010.09-2014.06 山东农业大学 农业资源与环境专业 本科

  2014.09-2019.11 中国农业大学 植物营养学专业 硕博连读

  2019.11-今 买球赛的官方网站 资源与环境学院 讲师






  1. 山东省自然科学基金青年基金项目,我国北方设施番茄冬季缺镁的地下和地上部互馈机制研究(ZR2021QC132),2022.01-2024.12,主持

  2. 买球赛的官方网站博士基金项目,滴灌和畦灌施肥对设施番茄水分生理利用效率的影响,2021.01-2023.12,主持

  3. 国家基金委国际合作重点项目,降低集约化设施蔬菜生产中施用氮肥对环境的影响(41761134087),2018.01-2020.12,参与

  4. 国家科技部支撑计划项目,设施蔬菜养分管理与高效施肥技术研究与示范(2015BAD23B01),2016.01-2019.12,参与



  1. Haofeng Lv, Weiwei Zhou, Jing Dong, et al. Irrigation amount dominates soil mineral nitrogen leaching in plastic shed vegetable production systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2021, 317, 107474. (1区,IF = 5.567)

  2. Haofeng Lv, Yiming Zhao, Yafang Wang, et al. Conventional flooding irrigation and over fertilization drives soil pH decrease not only in the top- but also in subsoil layers in solar greenhouse vegetable production systems. Geoderma. 2020, 363, 114156.(1区,IF = 4.848)

  3. Hao Liang, Haofeng Lv (共同一作), William Batchelor, et al. Simulating nitrate and DON leaching to optimize water and N management practices for greenhouse vegetable production systems. Agricultural Water Management. 2020, 241, 106377.(1区,IF = 4.021)

  4. Haofeng Lv, Shan Lin*, Yafang Wang, et al. Drip fertigation significantly reduces nitrogen leaching in solar greenhouse vegetable production system. Environmental Pollution. 2019, 245, 694-701. (2区,IF = 5.714)

  5. Weiwei Zhou, Haofeng Lv, Fei Chen, et al. Optimizing nitrogen management reduces mineral nitrogen leaching loss mainly by decreasing water leakage in vegetable fields under plastic-shed greenhouse. Environmental Pollution. 2022, 308, 119616. (2区,IF = 9.988)

  6. Li Wan, Haofeng Lv, Waqas Qasim, et al. Heavy metal and nutrient concentrations in top- and sub-soils of greenhouses and arable fields in East China - Effects of cultivation years, management, and shelter. Environmental Pollution. 2022, 307, 119494. (2区,IF = 9.988)

  7. Yiming Zhao, Haofeng Lv, Waqas Qasim, et al. Drip fertigation with straw incorporation significantly reduces N2O emission and N leaching while maintaining high vegetable yields in solar greenhouse production. Environmental Pollution. 2021, 273, 116521. (2区,IF = 8.071)

  8. Waqas Qasim, Li Wan, Haofeng Lv, et al. Impact of anaerobic soil disinfestation on seasonal N2O emissions and N leaching in greenhouse vegetable production system depends on amount and quality of organic matter additions. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 830, 154673.(2区,IF = 10.753)

  9. Weiwei Zhou, Wenlong Zheng, Haofeng Lv, et al. Foliar application of pig blood-derived protein hydrolysates improves antioxidant activities in lettuce by regulating phenolic biosynthesis without compromising yield production. Scientia Horticulturae, 2022, 291, 110602. (2区,IF = 4.342)

  10. 颜俊, 孙美丽, 卢姿竹, 孔令伟, 王维轩, 周伟伟, 梁斌, 李俊良, 吕昊峰*. 灌溉方式对设施番茄蒸腾量和水分利用效率的影响. 灌溉排水学报, 2021, 40(S2): 81-85.


