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  山东省青岛市城阳区长城路700号 邮编:266109

  Tel: +86-158 6425 8806

  Email: jiaoyan2003@126.com,jiaoyan8@hotmail.com

  研究方向:1.基于生物电化学系统的水体生物修复技术:利用水体中有机质作为电子供体,回收电能,基于生物电化学系统,在高效去除COD的同时,脱除水体氮素,将污染物彻底去除; (2)水体微塑料溯源、生态影响、及调控技术研究:基于化学分析手段及同位素追踪技术对微塑料释放源及扩散机理进行系统分析,并对不同微塑料在生态系统中的生物扩散影响做详细分析,最终形成有效的调控机制和手段,以达到微塑料的系统性控制技术;(3)养殖废水藻菌共生体系净化技术:利用藻菌共生体系,高效去除养殖废水COD、氮、磷及重金属、抗生素等微污染物,并从宏观和微观角度剖析其包含的生物学、化学、物理学机理,同时研发反应器跨尺度传质过程和能量消耗过程,实现工艺放大并应用。


  1、Guodong Zhang, Xiaoyu Sui, Yangyang Xu, Yan Jiao (2022). Efficient removal of tetracycline using U-type continuous-flow bioelectrochemical system without ion exchange membrane or cathodic catalyst. Bioresource Technology, 126677. (SCI一区, IF= 11.889)

  2、Guodong Zhang, Xiaoyan, Wang, Jiao, Yan, Chen, Q., & Duu-Jong Lee. (2021). Enhanced performance of microbial fuel cells with enriched ferrous iron oxidation microflora at room temperatures. Bioresource Technology, 331, 125025. (SCI一区, IF= 11.889)

  3、Guodong Zhang, Su Feng, Jiao Yan, Duu-Jong Lee. Biocathodic performance of bioelectrochemical systems operated at low temperature. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 310:123463. (SCI一区, IF= 11.889)

  4、Guodong Zhang, Sansan Feng, Yan Jiao, Duu-Jong Lee. Cathodic reducing bacteria of dual-chambered microbial fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(45), 27607-27617. (SCI二区, IF= 7.139)

  5、Guodong Zhang, Duu-Jong Lee, Fangqin, Cheng. Treatment of domestic sewage with anoxic/oxic membrane-less microbial fuel cell with intermittent aeration. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 218, 680-686. (SCI一区, IF= 11.889)

  6、Guodong Zhang, Zhiyue Wu, Fangqin Cheng, Min Zhang, Duu-Jong Lee. Thermophilic digestion of waste-activated sludge coupled with solar pond. Renewable Energy,2016.12, 98: 142~147. (SCI二区, IF= 8.634)

  7、Guodong Zhang, Yan Jiao, Duu-Jong Lee. A lab-scale anoxic/oxic-bioele ctrochemical reactor for leachate treatments. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 186:97-105. (SCI一区, IF= 11.889)

  8、Guodong Zhang, Yan Jiao, Duu-Jong Lee. Transformation of dissolved organic matters in landfill leachate–bioelectrochemical system. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 191: 350–354.. (SCI一区, IF= 11.889)

  9、Guodong Zhang, Yan Jiao, Duu-Jong Lee. Leachate treatment using anoxic/oxic-bio -electrochemical reactor with intermittent aeration. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016, 58: 401-406. (SCI一区, IF= 11.889)

  10、Guodong Zhang, Qingliang Zhao, Yan Jiao, Duu-Jong Lee. Long-term operation of manure-microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology, 2015,180:365–369. (SCI一区, IF= 11.889)

  11、焦燕,张国栋,赵庆良. 牛粪混合液微生物燃料电池长期运行稳定性研究. 环境科学. 2014.35(5): 1981-1987.

  12、焦燕,王琨,张国栋,赵庆良. 生物强化接触氧化工艺原位修复氮素污染水体,中国给水排水,2013, 29(5):69-73.

  13、Guodong Zhang , Qingliang Zhao , Yan Jiao, Efficient electricity generation from sewage sludge using biocathode microbial fuel cell, Water Research, 2012.1.3, 46(1): 43~52 (SCI一区, IF= 4.917).

  14、Guodong Zhang, Qingliang Zhao, Yan Jiao, Kun Wang, Duu-Jong Lee, Nanqi Ren. Biocathode Microbial Fuel Cell for Efficient Electricity Recovery from Dairy Manure. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2012, 31(1): 537~543. (IF = 6.409,TOP类期刊).

  15、Guodong Zhang, Qingliang Zhao, Yan Jiao, Kun Wang, Duu-Jong Lee. Effect of Cathode Types on Long-term Performance of Microbial Fuel Cells and Anode Bacterial Diversity.  BIORESOURCE TECHNOL., 2012, 118:249-256. (IF = 5.039, TOP类期刊).

  16.Yan Jiao, Qingliang Zhao, Wenbiao Jin, Xiaodi Hao, Shijie You. Bioaugmentation of a biological contact oxidation canal with nitrifying bacteria for in situ remediation of nitrogen-rich stream water. Bioresource Technology. 2011,102(2):990-995. (IF=4.75).

  17、焦 燕,金文标,赵庆良,赵勇娇,万杰,异位/原位联合生物修复技术处理受污染河水,中国给水排水,2011,27(11):59-65.



